Build-to-Rent Pilot Project
A joint Queensland Government and development sector project, which aims to deliver affordable rental housing through new Build-to-Rent developments–usually large-scale residential properties specifically designed, built and managed for long-term rental.
Fine Modernisation Program
The modernisation program aims to improve efficiency and effectiveness of fine administration and the debt-collection system across the Queensland Government.
Invested in Queensland Program
An initiative under the Queensland Jobs Fund. Through the program, Queensland Treasury is engaging with industry on high impact projects to create jobs. We are working with qualified investors, primarily medium-sized and large organisations, on significant projects that align with the government’s priorities.
Low Emissions Investment Partnerships Program
This program is designed to accelerate least cost emissions reductions and capitalise on collaborative opportunities, with partnerships through bilateral agreements and co-investment in established emission reduction strategies. Reducing emissions from the state’s largest emitting facilities, with an initial concentration on the metallurgical coal industry, is the focus.
Machinery of government change
A machinery of government change is the formal transfer of functions from one agency (usually a department) to another, made by Administrative Arrangements Orders and Departmental Arrangements Notices published in the Government Gazette.
National Housing Accord
A landmark agreement between all levels of government, institutional investors and the construction sector to address the supply and affordability of housing.
National Skills Agreement / National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development
The National Agreement identifies the long-term‑ objectives of the Commonwealth Government and the state and territory (states) governments in the areas of skills and workforce development.
National Injury Insurance Agency (Queensland)
The National Injury Insurance Scheme, Queensland (NIISQ) funds necessary and reasonable treatment, care and support for people who have sustained an eligible serious personal injury in a motor vehicle accident in Queensland, on or after 1 July 2016.
Natively digital
Originating in a digital format
Nominal Defendant
The Nominal Defendant is a statutory body established under the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994 (MAI Act) for the purpose of compensating people who are injured as a result of the negligent driving of unidentified and/or uninsured (no Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance) motor vehicles.
Queensland Critical Minerals and Battery Technology Fund
The Queensland Fund supports businesses across the critical minerals supply chain, from mining stage to the development of processing facilities and/or infrastructure, including the development and manufacturing of critical minerals, battery technology and advanced materials to position Queensland for the next critical minerals resources boom.
Queensland Investment Corporation
Created in 1991 by the Queensland Government to serve its long-term investment responsibilities.
Queensland Revenue Office
A group within Queensland Treasury responsible for collecting state taxes and royalty, administering home owner grants, and collecting and enforcing unpaid fines and penalties.
A royalty is a legally binding payment made to an individual or agency for the ongoing use of their assets, including natural resources.
State Penalties Enforcement Registry
State Penalties Enforcement Registry (part of the Queensland Revenue Office), collects and enforces unpaid infringement notice fines, court-ordered monetary fines and offender recovery orders issued in Queensland.
Queensland Competition Authority
An independent statutory authority that promotes competition as the basis for enhancing efficiency and growth in the Queensland economy.
Trade and Investment Queensland
Trade and Investment Queensland is the Queensland Government’s dedicated global business agency, helping Queensland exporters take their products to world
markets and promoting Queensland as the perfect place for investment.