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Priorities for the year ahead

Our priorities in 2023–24 include:

  • providing expert advice to assist the government deliver essential services to Queenslanders, while achieving fiscal principles and fiscal sustainability
  • developing the ongoing environmental, social and governance Risk Management Framework and publication of the 2023 Queensland Sustainability Report
  • overseeing and engaging with government-owned corporations and portfolio departments and providing expert advice to support delivery of government priorities including the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan (including the Borumba Pumped Hydro site), as well as critical infrastructure projects such as CopperString 2032, dam improvement upgrades, and port and rail investments 
  • leading work across Queensland Government agencies and the Australian Government to deliver the National Energy Price Relief Plan and implement coordinated actions to address high energy costs and impacts on bills
  • leading establishment of the $520 million Low Emissions Investment Partnerships Program and working with industry to develop proposals to accelerate decarbonisation in the mining sector
  • securing investments through bespoke facilitation services and the $520 million Invested in Queensland Program across priority sectors that include resources, health, biotechnology, defence and aviation
  • supporting the planning and delivery of Queensland’s infrastructure priorities, in partnership with the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and other Queensland Government delivery agencies
  • continuing to integrate the fine administration and management services, transitioned from the Department of Transport and Main Roads and Queensland Police Service, in the Queensland Revenue Office, to create a fine and penalty debt management system that meets the needs of our clients, government and the community.
  • developing a plan to reframe Treasury’s relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and researching and preparing for truth-telling and healing on our Path to Treaty.

The Queensland Treasury Service Delivery Statements 2023–24 details a full list of highlights.

Last updated: 28 September 2023