RTI Disclosure Log – July 2019 to current

The Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) (RTI Act) gives the public a right to access government held information. All valid Right to Information (RTI) applications received by Queensland Treasury will be published on the disclosure log.

How does Queensland Treasury manage their Disclosure Log?

Information will be published on the disclosure log in three stages:

Stage one:

As soon as practical following receipt of a valid RTI application, Queensland Treasury will publish:

  • The date the application was made; and
  • A description of the information requested.

The status field of the disclosure log will contain the words “application being processed”.

Stage two:

Queensland Treasury will wait until the applicant accesses the information and all appeal rights have expired before publishing the information in stage three. However, we will provide a status update to help the public track the application.

Stage three:

Once the applicant has accessed the information and all appeal rights have expired, Queensland Treasury will publish the following information:

  • The name of the applicant (provided publication does not infringe privacy); and
  • The name of any entity seeking to use or benefit from the information (provided publication does not infringe privacy); and
  • A link to a copy of the documents released (if appropriate).

The RTI Act prevents Queensland Treasury from publishing some information. Where this has occurred, a black box will be placed over the information and list the relevant section of the legislation relied on to remove the information.

It will look like this:

Use the table below to identify why the information has been removed:

RTI Act section Reason for removal
s. 78B(2)(a) Publication of the information is prevented by law
s. 78B(2)(b) Publication of the information is prevented as it may be defamatory
s. 78B(2)(c) Publication of the information would unreasonably invade an individual’s privacy
s. 78B(2)(d) Publication of the information would reveal confidential information
s. 78B(2)(e) Publication of the information would cause substantial harm to an entity


If the applicant does not access the document within the access period, then details of the documents and information about how you can access this information will be included in the disclosure log.

Links to documents older than 6 months old will be removed from the disclosure log however, access to the information can still be obtained by emailing rtiadmin@treasury.qld.gov.au or calling (07) 3035 1863.

Our search tool allows you to search disclosure log entries from 1 July 2019. To access documents prior to this date, please email rtiadmin@treasury.qld.gov.au or phone (07) 3035 1863.

  • Date: 02 / 12 / 2020
  • Ref: ARU0001171
  • Applicant: Vincents
  • Others: N/A
  • Information requested: Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation.
  • Status: Application finalised.  Publication of documents prohibited by the Taxation Administration Act 2001.
  • Date: 26 / 11 / 2020
  • Ref: ARU0001169
  • Applicant: Name withheld – publication of applicant’s name would invade their privacy
  • Others: The Courier Mail
  • Information requested:

    Briefing notes, meeting notes, emails, calendar entries in relation to a meeting/phone call between lobbyist Anacta Strategies, on behalf of client Imperium Tourism Holdings, and the Executive General Manager, Strategic Initiatives Group, Queensland Treasury on 29 April 2020.

    Date range: 1 April 2020 to 31 May 2020.

  • Status:

    Application finalised.

  • Date: 26 / 11 / 2020
  • Ref: ARU0001170
  • Applicant: Name withheld – publication of applicant’s name would invade an individual’s right to privacy
  • Others: N/A
  • Information requested:

    Application made to the Office of the Treasurer and Minister for Investment

    Emails (work or personal), messaging apps, briefing notes, internal memos or diary entries to or from Evan Moorhead and/or David Nelson; and

    Emails (work or personal), messaging apps, briefing notes, internal memos or diary entries in relation to Anacta Strategies. Date range: 1 March 2020 to 15 October 2020.

  • Status:

    Application finalised.  No documents located.

  • Date: 05 / 11 / 2020
  • Ref: ARU0001165
  • Applicant: Name withheld - publication of applicant’s name would invade their privacy
  • Others: Australian Conservation Foundation
  • Information requested: Application made to the former Office of the Treasurer and Minister for Infrastructure and Planning (now Office of the Treasurer and Minister for Investment) All documents and/or handwritten notes relating to meetings held during 1 August – 31 October 2020 between Lang Walker, Walker Corporation representatives, and the Minister and/or his representatives. Type of documents being sought: handwritten notes, memos, emails, meeting minutes. Date range: 1 August 2020 – 31 October 2020
  • Status: Application finalised.
  • Date: 05 / 11 / 2020
  • Ref: ARU0001164
  • Applicant: Mackay Goodwin
  • Others: N/A
  • Information requested: Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation.
  • Status: Application finalised.  Publication of documents prohibited by the Taxation Administration Act 2001.
  • Date: 19 / 10 / 2020
  • Ref: ARU0001161
  • Applicant:
  • Others:
  • Information requested:

    1. Emails to or from the Minister?s Office mentioning Jim (James) Soorley, or Wilson's/Wilsons/Wilsons' Boathouse, Jedid;

    2. Emails to or from the minister's caucus liaison/representative mentioning Jim (James) Soorley, or Wilson's/Wilsons/Wilsons' Boathouse, Jedid;

    3. Messages on minister's mobile phone/apps on phone to or from the minister mentioning Jim (James) Soorley, or Wilson's/Wilsons/Wilsons' Boathouse, Jedid; and

    4. Messages on the caucus liaison/representative's mobile phone/apps on phone to or from the liaison/representative mentioning Jim (James) Soorley, or Wilson's/Wilsons/Wilsons' Boathouse, Jedid.

    Timeframes: 2 March 2018 to 21 March 2018 and 7 August 2018 to 24 August 2018.

  • Status: Application transferred to the Department of the Premier and Cabinet
  • Date: 06 / 10 / 2020
  • Ref: ARU0001159
  • Applicant: Worrells Solvency & Forensic Accountants
  • Others: N/A
  • Information requested: Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation.
  • Status: Application finalised.  Publication of documents prohibited by the Taxation Administration Act 2001.
  • Date: 30 / 09 / 2020
  • Ref: ARU0001157
  • Applicant: Jirsch Sutherland
  • Others: N/A
  • Information requested: Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation.
  • Status: Application finalised. Publication of documents prohibited by the Taxation Administration Act 2001.
  • Date: 30 / 09 / 2020
  • Ref: ARU0001158
  • Applicant: N/A
  • Others: N/A
  • Information requested: Copies of any guidelines, policies, procedures, or factsheets that applied during 2006 ? 2008 (inclusive), that related to the imposition of rehabilitation or environmental securities, including documents relating to: the decision to impose a security requirement; the decision or preference on security type; calculating or determining the security amount; whether the security was subject to review (and in what circumstances/frequency); and any environmental rehabilitation securities options papers or reports that were prepared by the department in considering environmental rehabilitation securities reform.
  • Status: Application finalised.  No documents located.
  • Date: 10 / 09 / 2020
  • Ref: ARU0001155
  • Applicant: Name withheld – publication of applicant’s name would invade their privacy
  • Others: Seven Network
  • Information requested: Records, reports, audits, reviews, correspondence, ministerial briefing notes and attachments, relating to: the recovery of overdue fines and the techniques used by SPER in the process of debt recovery; how much is owed in unpaid fines; how much was paid back via the debt recovery process; a breakdown of how the fines were paid back via the debt recovery process e.g. bank or wage garnishee, property seizure order, wheel clamps, examination summons and charge on land for property; any related AV material including video footage and photos for debt recovery methods such as wheel clamping; and a postcode breakdown of unpaid fines.Timeframe: 1 July 2019 ? 30 June 2020.
  • Status: Application finalised. Relevant documents released.
Last updated: 11 December 2024