The fund aims to:
The fund was delivered through a competitive round of funding.
All applicants have been advised of the outcome of their application. Demand from Queensland businesses seeking support for regional projects was high which resulted in a highly competitive field for the available funding.
Successful fund applicants as of 19 December 2024
Company | Local Government Area | Project |
Allweld Manufacturing | Fraser Coast | New CNC technology and robotic equipment for transport and truck specialty fabrication operations. |
Auscoil | Toowoomba | Upgrade innovative gas well servicing equipment to reduce fugitive emissions for CSG operations. |
Australian Premium Macadamias | Bundaberg | Stage 2 facility expansion project increasing capacity and new machinery. |
Baywood Products | Fraser Coast | Dry-milling equipment capacity will be increased to enable value-adding to 90 per cent of sawn timber produced by Baywood’s Greenmill. |
Brolga Cranes & Equipment | Gladstone | Heavy machinery upgrades to better service the transport and logistics and mining sectors. |
Caamano Farms | Mareeba | Purchase new equipment and upgrade existing coffee growing site. |
Carrigan Ag | Toowoomba | New cow-milking facility to be constructed to transition beef cattle operations to dairy. |
CB Juice | North Burnett | New machinery to increase capacity for processing excess ripe fruit into juice, concentrate and puree. |
Ced Wise AB Services | Southern Downs | A new bovine genetic facility will be established to provide multiple reproduction services. |
Eco-Growth International | Toowoomba | New fertiliser manufacturing facility and equipment that will specialise in rock mineral processing. |
FarmFresh Resources | Bundaberg | New automated equipment to increase production capacity of quick-frozen vegetables. |
G3 Engineering | South Burnett | New machinery to improve productivity and provide high precision engineered products. |
Hillman’s Transport | Toowoomba | New warehousing and distribution facility. |
Hollimans Group | Flinders | Expand Viper Water Solutions’ capacity with new pipe production lines. |
Integrity Ag | Toowoomba | Develop an automated database for analysing livestock greenhouse gas emissions for agricultural supply chains. |
Jurgens Produce | Whitsunday | Two new robotic units to improve operational efficiency and environmental impact. |
Kewpie Stockfeeds | South Burnett | Upgrade silos to incorporate advanced monitoring and control systems and increase stockfeed storage capacity. |
Macadamias Australia | Bundaberg | New machinery for end-to-end chocolate macadamias cluster manufacturing. |
Morgan Pastoral | Toowoomba | Expand feedlot capacity and infrastructure for grain-fed cattle. |
Mort & Co | Toowoomba | Expansion of existing organic fertiliser with additional granulators and an automated batching system. |
Obadare Group | Toowoomba | Mining rig manufacturing facility upgrade and expansion. |
Oztec Manufacturing | Toowoomba | Install advanced manufacturing precision capabilities. |
Pakaderinga Feedlot | South Burnett | Cattle feedlot expansion and associated infrastructure also improving environmental impacts. |
Perrott Engineering | Cairns | CNC machines to refine precision manufacturing capabilities for bespoke products for maritime and mining sectors. |
RWL Hardchrome & Engineering | Fraser Coast | Advanced machinery to expand servicing capabilities to include 12-metre hydraulic cylinders. |
Selected Seeds | Toowoomba | Introduce automated seed processing and bagging equipment and update warehouse. |
Sunny Queen | Toowoomba | Upgrade and expand processing facilities and install automated equipment for liquid egg products. |
Further information:
If you have a specific enquiry on the Backing Business in the Bush Fund, please email us at
The $50 million Backing Business in the Bush Fund (the fund) is a dedicated investment scheme providing cash grants to Queensland small to medium sized businesses to undertake projects in regional Queensland.
The objectives of the fund are to:
Queensland small to medium sized businesses with projects in regional Queensland may be eligible to apply.
Businesses must:
Entities with less than three years trading may only apply if there is a parent entity or related party that has three years of signed financial statements and can provide evidence that supports management, technical and financial capability to undertake the proposed project.
The fund focuses on supporting projects in traditional industries and sectors defined as follows:
Ineligible industries as defined in the glossary of the fund guidelines include:
For more information on the fund’s eligibility requirements, please refer to the guidelines in Section 3 – Scope of the fund and Applicant eligibility checklist.
Yes. Providing your business and project meets all the required eligibility criteria, small to medium sized businesses located in South East Queensland may apply.
For projects to be considered for funding, they must:
For the purposes of the fund, South East Queensland local government areas include the City of Brisbane, City of Gold Coast, Ipswich City, Logan City, City of Moreton Bay, Noosa Shire, Redland City, Sunshine Coast, Scenic Rim, Somerset, and Lockyer Valley. Projects located in these areas are not eligible under this fund.
By way of example, the types of projects that may be supported are projects that:
For more information on project eligibility please refer to Section 3.2 – Eligibility in the guidelines.
The Backing Business in the Bush Fund has $50 million available, which will be delivered through a competitive funding round.
Eligible applicants can apply for funding between $500,000 to $2 million for an eligible regional project.
All grants offered and figures referenced in the guidelines are GST exclusive. GST will be applied on top of the agreed grant value when payment is made.
Yes. All successful applicants will be required to provide a co-contribution for the project.
Co-contributions must be cash and at least 50 per cent of the project’s total eligible capital expenditure. The co-contribution may be obtained from other government grants, cash reserves, equity, or debt. However, contributions from all government sources (including from the fund, if successful) must not exceed two-thirds of total project funding.
Please note, in-kind expenditure will not be considered as a co-contribution.
Applicants will be required to provide evidence of the status of all its financial co-contributions during the application process and must be able to secure co-contributions on an unconditional basis as a precondition within any funding agreement.
For a full list of eligible costs and capital expenditure, please refer to Section 5 – Eligible and ineligible project expenditure in the fund guidelines.
It should be noted that funding may only be used to reimburse eligible project costs. Any ineligible project costs must be funded by the applicant or its parent company or other third-party contributor. If the project scope includes any ineligible costs, applicants should identify these in the project budget in their applications and ensure there are sufficient financial co-contributions to cover them.
Grant payments for approved projects will be paid in instalments as reimbursements, following agreed milestones, and the associated project expenditure being verified to the State’s satisfaction.
The State may consider an initial payment of up to 20 per cent of the total grant funding for a project once the agreement is signed and all conditions precedent are met. Applicants will be required to provide security for the initial payment.
Where practical, payments may be staged through project delivery to assist with project cash flow, however, no payments will be made in advance of verified project expenditure. Successful applicants may also be required to provide security for milestone grant payments.
The State is not obligated to provide any assistance, unless and until a funding agreement is signed by all parties and any conditions are met.
Grant payments and State assistance typically have tax implications for businesses. Applicants are required to seek their own independent tax advice regarding these matters.
Successful applicants must be registered for GST, and where GST is payable, successful applicants will be paid the approved grant amount plus 10 per cent by the State.
Projects approved for funding must be delivered and operational within 18 months of executing a funding agreement with the State.
Projects must be investment ready and must have a commitment from the board or senior levels of management as appropriate to commence and proceed to be considered for funding.
No. Applicants are only allowed to submit one application.
Yes. Regional collaboration is encouraged. Eligible applicants may partner with other businesses and/or form a consortium to seek funding for an eligible, mutually beneficial project. In such cases, however, one eligible business must be identified as the lead partner and take responsibility as the applicant. Consortium members may seek funding for one eligible project only.
If the application is successful, the lead partner as the applicant must be able to enter into an agreement with the State and take responsibility for contract management and project delivery.
Please note, consortiums and/or a business partner may involve an ineligible business (except for those subject to any insolvency) but they cannot be identified as the lead partner and applicant.
Eligible applicants can propose eligible projects that cross local government boundaries. However, the proposed project must not be located in an ineligible South East Queensland local government area.
Before applying, businesses must first read the fund guidelines and refer to the applicant checklist to check their eligibility.
All applications will be assessed using a merit-based process against the eligibility requirements and assessment criteria. Applications will be assessed through a two-stage process.
Applications for the fund are to be completed and submitted electronically via Queensland Treasury’s SmartyGrants online portal. To enter the portal please click the ‘Apply here’ button on the webpage.
The SmartyGrants portal will include further instructions for applicants including hints and tips, and frequently asked questions specific to the application process.
Contacts for SmartyGrants technical support are also listed in the portal.
No. Applications are now closed.
Stage 1 applications closed at 11:59 pm AEST Sunday 14 January 2024.
Stage 2 applications closed at 11:59 pm AEST on Sunday 31 March 2024.
Fast tracked applications: Successful applicants have been advised, and announcements will be made in due course.
Standard applications: Successful applicants are expected to be advised by the end of August 2024, and will be announced in due course.
For more information on the fund, please refer to the guidelines.