Common user infrastructure assessment principles

Common user infrastructure (CUI) allows capacity of physical assets to be shared between multiple users under a defined set of terms. This infrastructure can be owned, operated and delivered by private or public entities.

CUI benefits government, industry and the community when the right solution is delivered. This may include lower cost of inputs, increased competition, less duplication of infrastructure and more efficient use of land.

Government’s role in CUI

The Queensland Government investigates infrastructure opportunities which support economic growth and job creation for both existing and emerging industries. This could include facilitating or developing CUI assets where it makes sense for government to assist.

In practice, government may have multiple roles in the delivery and facilitation of CUI including as an investor, regulator or facilitator.

Queensland Government CUI assessment principles

Queensland Government takes a principles-based approach to guide its role in delivering CUI to ensure this achieves net benefits for Queensland.

These principles are:

  • Does the CUI address an identified market failure?
  • Does the CUI support the development of competitive industries?
  • Does the CUI deliver net benefits to Queensland?

More details about these principles are outlined in the CUI guidance framework. Reviewing this information will help private proponents understand what the government is looking for when considering opportunities to assist in the delivery of CUI.

How to use the CUI guidance with other infrastructure frameworks

The CUI guidance framework works in conjunction with existing state and national frameworks to give a full picture of infrastructure assessment requirements and processes. These frameworks include:


Last updated: 17 May 2023