Regulatory Impact Analysis training

The Office of Best Practice Regulation (OBPR) assists Queensland government agencies to apply effective and rigorous Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) as part of their policy development process.

Training sessions are open to all Queensland Government officers. Targeted, in-person sessions for agencies, providing in-depth technical guidance, are also available on request. There is no charge to attend. For further information please contact the OBPR.

Introduction to the Queensland Government Better Regulation Policy – online

This session provides a general introduction to the Queensland Government Better Regulation Policy (the Policy) for those who are new to RIA or would like a refresh.

The session includes:

  • the purpose and benefits of performing RIA and its scope under the Policy
  • the factors to consider when determining a proportional level of analysis and consultation
  • the different forms of Impact Analysis Statement (IAS) required.

This session is now available online to watch at your convenience. Access details will be emailed after registration.

How to complete the IAS template – online

This session offers detailed and practical guidance to government officers on how to complete the IAS template, including:

  • what analysis to present in the IAS template to reflect the proportional level of RIA completed
  • how to address omnibus proposals where multiple, differing levels of RIA have been completed
  • the requirements for publishing IASs.

This session is now available online to watch at your convenience. Access details will be emailed after registration.

Cost calculator – online

Regulatory compliance burdens are a subset of the broader costs in an impact assessment but should be readily identifiable and reported in the Summary IAS. This session familiarises attendees with the direct costs calculator tool used to estimate the regulatory compliance burden, including:

  • when the direct costs calculator should be used
  • differences between the standard and simplified calculators
  • an applied case study demonstrating how to use the direct costs calculators.

This session is now available online to watch at your convenience. Access details will be emailed after registration.

Reviews of regulation – online

All regulations should be regularly reviewed using RIA to determine their continuing relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency. This session:

  • sets out the core elements of best practice regulatory review to assist agencies in improving regulation
  • provides an overview of the proportional level of analysis required for reviews
  • details how to meet the requirements of the Policy for Post Implementation IASs, Sunset Reviews of expiring subordinate legislation, and other reviews.

This session is now available online to watch at your convenience. Access details will be emailed after registration.

Impact analysis for policy makers – in-person

Queensland Government policy officers need to critically assess the impacts of regulatory proposals to ensure government decision makers are provided with evidence-based advice.

This is an in-person, half-day workshop which aims to provide participants with a hands-on understanding of how to:

  • assess the data and evidence to identify and characterise the policy problem
  • identify the role of government in addressing different types of policy problems
  • design options that are effective, efficient and achieve the right outcomes
  • quantify impacts to identify the proposal with the greatest net benefit to the Queensland community.
Last updated: 19 December 2024