State Budget 2024-25

The Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment, the Honourable Cameron Dick MP, tabled the 2024-25 Queensland Budget in Parliament on Tuesday 11 June 2024.

Budget At a Glance

Budget Overview

Cost of Living Action

Budget papers

Appropriation Bills

The Appropriation Bills are available on the Queensland Legislation website.

Regional Action Plans

The Regional Actions Plans outline key Budget initiatives and projects announced by the Queensland Government for each region. Note: In a limited number of cases the expenditure for projects and initiatives, including estimated total infrastructure and capital works spending by region, may not match that presented in other Budget Papers due to different rounding approaches. In these instances, the more detailed expenditure presented in Budget Papers 3 and 4 should take precedence and be referenced.

Service Delivery Statements

Service Delivery Statements provide budgeted financial and non-financial information for the 2024-25 Budget. Each departmental portfolio and the Legislative Assembly of Queensland has a statement.

Budget Statement