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Queensland Treasury’s annual report on its progress towards outcomes identified in the final year of the third Queensland Multicultural Action Plan (PDF, 3.4 MB) which spanned 2022–23 to 2023–24.

In July 2024, Queensland Treasury commenced working towards contributing to the fourth Queensland Multicultural Action Plan (PDF, 2.1 MB) which presents the actions the Queensland Government will take from 2024-25 to 2026-27 to achieve the multicultural policy priorities and ensure government services are fully accessible to people who have difficulty communicating in English.

Read more about the Queensland Government’s multicultural policy and view the action plans.

The Consolidated Fund Financial Report contains particulars of transactions and balances of the Consolidated Fund and details of collections from, and appropriation paid to, each Department (including adjustments to original appropriation). The most recent report is the Consolidated Fund Financial Report 2023–24.

Gifts or benefits accepted by a public service employee remain the property of the agency unless the accountable officer for the agency determines it is appropriate for the recipient to retain the gift or benefit. Employees must declare given or received gifts and benefits and the agency must ensure that reportable gifts or benefits have been declared and published online within reportable timeframes.

The Under Treasurer’s Register shows gifts and benefits valued at more than $150 that have been given and received by Queensland Treasury and agency employees in a financial year. Items of cultural significance have been reported regardless of their value. The register is updated each quarter.