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The Queensland Government has released new procurement commitments to the social services sector, acknowledging the advocacy of organisations such as the Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS) and the Australian Services Union (ASU) in delivering community support.

The Best Practice Industry Conditions for Social Services Procurement provide social service providers with the appropriate contractual arrangements to ensure vulnerable Queenslanders continue to get the care they need.

Amid national and international economic pressures and an increasingly complex environment for social services organisations, the Queensland Government is partnering strategically with the sector to ensure long-term sustainability. Together, we are collaborating to meet the growing demand for services and to improve outcomes for Queenslanders.

Media statement – Best practice industry conditions and increased funding for community services organisations

The Financial Accountability Handbook (the Handbook) has been designed to assist accountable officers and statutory bodies discharge their obligations under the Financial Accountability Act 2009 (the Act), the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019 (the Standard), and the Financial Accountability Regulation 2019 (the Regulation).

The Consolidated Fund Financial Report contains particulars of transactions and balances of the Consolidated Fund and details of collections from, and appropriation paid to, each Department (including adjustments to original appropriation). The most recent report is the Consolidated Fund Financial Report December 2023.

Queensland Treasury acknowledges and respects the unique cultures, histories, and ongoing contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and is committed to building a relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples based on fairness, inclusivity, dignity and belonging.

Our Reframing the Relationship Plan 2024-2027 is our commitment and our path forward as we reframe and build stronger relationships with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The plan forms part of Queensland Treasury’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion framework. It has been developed following consultation with divisions and employees from across the agency. We particularly acknowledge the input from our Aboriginal employees and Torres Strait Islander employees in the development of this plan.

This Plan replaces the previous Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Capability Action Plan 2019-2023.

The Disability Services Act 2006 (Qld) is a foundation for promoting the rights of Queenslanders with disability, their wellbeing and their participation in community life. This legislation requires all Queensland Government departments/agencies to have a Disability Service Plan (DSP). DSPs ensure agencies consider the Act’s human rights and service delivery principles, and the government’s policies for people with disability. DSPs aim to improve access to services across government.