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Annual Report 2017-18

The Queensland Treasury Annual Report 2017-18 is an integral part of our corporate governance framework and one of the main tools we use to ensure we are accountable to the Queensland Parliament and the community about our activities.

The Annual Report 2017-18 details our achievements, performance and financial position for the 2017-18 financial year. It aligns with the Queensland Government’s objectives for the community, Queensland Treasury Strategic Plan 2017-21, and the department’s Service Delivery Statement for 2017-18. It also provides information on our future direction, people management and corporate governance processes.

Compliance Checklist

The compliance checklist (51 KB) outlines the governance, performance, reporting and other specific requirements for agency annual reports.


Complete report

A PDF of the complete Annual Report (1.3 MB) is available on this website.

Web only content


We are committed to continually improving our annual report. To help us do this we’d like you to tell us what you think by completing the feedback form.

Contact us

If you have any enquiries regarding the annual report, please email


The electronic versions of the Queensland Treasury Annual Report 2017-18 provided on this site are for information purposes only. The official copy of the Annual Report, as tabled in the Legislative Assembly of Queensland, can be accessed from the Queensland Parliament tabled papers website.

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