The Queensland Treasury Strategic Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan outlines the department’s waste management practices. It has been developed in accordance with the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 and the State’s waste management strategy: Waste – Everyone’s responsibility: Queensland Waste Avoidance and Resource Productivity Strategy (2014-2024).
The Queensland Treasury and Trade Annual Report 2012-13 is an integral part of our corporate governance framework and is one of the main tools we use to ensure we are accountable to the Queensland Parliament and the community about our activities. This is a PDF version of this section of the report suitable for downloading and printing.
The budget outlines the government’s revenue and expenses for the coming year, provides an overview of the state economy, and details the priorities the government will deliver.
The Queensland Government produces several documents to communicate the key elements of the State Budget.
The Queensland Future Growth Corporation was a statutory body established by the previous Government to administer the Queensland Future Growth Fund. The Fund was created to provide funding for infrastructure and initiatives that would benefit the future economy and environmental sustainability of Queensland.
Following a review into the operations of the Corporation, it was established that there were no financial benefits to the State in continuing to operate the Fund, particularly as the majority of the funding allocations have now been completed.